Genre and running time: Historical drama; 90 minutes

Synopsis: In this historical drama in pre-state Israel, an idealistic orphan of the holocaust named Jonathan is just entering adulthood where he wants to learn what happened to his parents. His motherly aunt encourages him at first, while his girlfriend and uncle—both scorched from their experiences with anti-semitism—join forces to deter him from his mission in an effort to shield him from the trauma. His aunt soon joins against Jonathan’s mission. The three of them form a gap between Jonathan and a distraught woman from Europe who knows how his parents were killed. Despite the efforts of Jonathan’s family, Jonathan and the distraught woman pursue one another, which culminates in their first meeting that Jonathan arranges in the home of his uncle and aunt. With this meeting, Jonathan enables his girlfriend, his aunt and uncle, and the woman to face the ugliness and emotional pain with him that they have each experienced separately in order to start healing together.

Cast breakdown & full description (3W; 2M):

JONATHAN - 19 (Jewish, Ashkenazik)

An idealistic, secular, Ashkenazik Jewish man, 19-years-old, who speaks with an Israeli accent. An orphan of the holocaust, balancing a college life with that of a soldier in the underground army, he obsesses over wanting to know what happened to his parents, as if this knowledge will help launch him into adulthood. He struggles between his needs and the needs of those he loves who want to leave the past where it is. In Israeli fashion of the 1940s, he wears a short-sleeved buttoned shirt and sandals.

RACHEL – early 50s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)

JONATHAN’s aunt, an optimistic, secular, Ashkenazik Jewish woman, in her early 50s, who speaks with an Israeli accent. Born in pre-state Israel, she is sure of herself and her family values, speaking out loud what others are afraid to acknowledge. She is a housewife, dressed in traditional fashion for her age.

SAUL - mid-50s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)

JONATHAN’s uncle, a secular, Ashkenazik Jewish man. Having experienced anti-semitism in Poland, he ran away as a child for “The Land” with a Zionist group, and is now in his mid-50s. His accent is mixed Yiddish and Israeli. He has the strength of a laborer who now owns a construction business, yet still dresses as a laborer in a long-sleeved button shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his biceps. Despite his idealism for a homeland, he suffers “survivor’s guilt.”  

MIRIAM – early 20s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)

JONATHAN’s girlfriend, a secular Ashkenazik Jewish musician from France, early 20s, who speaks with a French accent. The anti-semitism she experienced in Europe, culminating with the Nazi take-over of her country, has turned her to Zionism. Shattered from war, she now wants to focus all of her attention on her music and harmony among all people. She dresses in modern fashion of a short-sleeved buttoned shirt tucked into a flared skirt.

CRAZY WOMAN – mid-40s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)

A secular, Ashkenazik Jewish woman from Poland, in her mid-40s, who speaks with a Yiddish accent. She is very poor and unkempt. Her experiences surviving the death camps during the Holocaust has rendered her “crazy,” yet with continued foresight to follow a personal mission that keeps her going. “Crazy” isn’t “crazy” after all.  


Musical Piece

“Sabra Sweet” lyrics by Judy Meiksin; music by Julie Harris; Hebrew translation by Judy Meiksin and Zvi Meiksin. Additional music written for scene changes is available, composed by Julie Harris

Set requirements: Scenes include two living rooms, one with doors leading to a balcony and one with a piano.

Intended Audience: Anyone

Content/language: Some details of the Holocaust are given. No foul language.

Production History: The play received a Workshop Production by Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company in Pittsburgh, PA, on March 9–26, 2006.

Seeking: Further workshop development or production